Stiftung „Universitätskirche St. Pauli zu Leipzig"
c/o Superintendentur
Burgstr. 1 - 5
04109 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 (0)151 65126266

The Foundation ‘University Church of St Paul, Leipzig’ was registered on 23 December 2008 under number 8 / 2008 as an independent foundation under civil law in the Foundation Register of the State Directorate in Leipzig.

Bank account for donations:
Bank: UniCredit Bank AG Leipzig
IBAN: DE03 8602 0086 0609 4646 40

According to a certificate issued on 4 September 2020 by the Finanzamt Leipzig II the Foundation serves exclusively and directly not-for-profit and religious purposes according to §§ 51 ff AO.

Dipl.-Kfm. Jost Brüggenwirth
Hainbuchenallee 17
04821 Brandis

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